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Voyages et Vagabondages, beyond the travel blog
Founded in 2011 by Lucie Aidart, Voyages et Vagabondages is a French solo female blog, focusing on world culture, adventures and wandering for dreamers and travelers.
Firstly created to relate the life of an expat in London, Voyages et Vagabondages and its author have embarked in 2013 on a new adventure, a long journey, a round the world trip with no itinerary for 15 months. Now digital nomad and on the road for over 4 years, the journey continues, my aim being to share with passion with the readers, quality travelogues, tips and advice, photographs and moments of escape.
Voyages et Vagabondages is a space for sharing and discovery on the themes of solo travel, women’s travel, independant and long-term travel, escape, adventure and cultures of the world. The editorial focus of the website is built around travelogues, practical advice and the sections Round the World Trip, Adventures and Solo Travel. The site wants to help travelers to plan their independent trips, give advice, help solo travelers and bring some more general reflections about travel. It also wants to show readers that’s it is possibe to travel, no matter what.
Themes of Voyages et Vagabondages
– Travelogues
– Solo travel
– Round the World Trip
– Long-term travel
– Independent travel
– Practical destination guides
– Women travel
– Road-trips
– Hiking
– Off the beaten path destinations
– Adventures
– Slow travel
– World culture (literature, cinema, music, festivals, cuisine…)
– Practical tips and advice for travelers
– Hotels, restaurants, excursions and products reviews
– Travel photography
– Expatriation
– City-breaks
An audience in constant progression
The readers of Voyages et Vagabondages are independent travelers, travelling solo or not, mostly women (70%), between 18 and 35 years old, looking for instants of inspiration or for practical advice to prepare their trips, their round the world trips, their holidays, their week-ends or their gap year in Europe and in the world. They are dreamers, eager for discovery, culture and adventures. They have adventurous spirit, love discoveries, getting offthebeatenpath, testing new activities, food, etc. They enjoy authentic experiences and trips, meeting locals and world cultures.
Readers come from around the world, but mostly from France (65%), Belgium, Canada and Switzerland.
Site traffic
Unique monthly visitors: 45,000
Monthly visits: 55,000
Number of visited pages per month: 75,000
(average numbers, updated on 07/07/2018)
Voyages et Vagabondages, a brand throughout social networks
Twitter: 7,600 followers
Facebook: 11,800 likes
Google +: 1,800+
Pinterest: 135,800 followers
Instagram: 5,300 subscribers
(Updated on 07/07/2018)
Stats from independent websites
DA: 38/100 DA: 46/100
Sample of articles
Here are some articles of the blog in French, a sample of my writing:
Practical advice
– Voyager en Birmanie en 2015
– Comment je finance une vie de voyages?
– Visiter Komodo et voir les dragons de Komodo : le guide pratique complet
– Préparer un voyage en Indonésie: guide pratique, conseils, bons plans et itinéraires
– Le guide pratique pour débutant voyageur en Argentine
Travel reflections
– Voyager avec un surpoids
– De retour de tour du monde
– Je suis de nulle part : identité et nomadisme
– Dubaï, vie de princesse ou paradis artificiel?
– Voyager à Bali: à la quête de la beauté sur l’île des dieux
Solo travel
– Rencontres, amitiés et amour en voyage
– Voyager seule en Amérique Latine
– Voyager seule au quotidien
– Canyoning en Corse
– Un trek à cheval en Chine tibétaine
Voyages et Vagabondages it’s also over 550 articles and 10 years of travel!
Press review
Please find below a few interventions and quotes in press and on the web, where I always share with pleasure my travelling experience:
– Radio appearance on Le Mouv’ and the show Allô La Planète about China (10 September 2014)
– Voyages et Vagabondages is quoted by TV5.ca on 15 blogs pour voyager par procuration (23 June 2013)
– The blog is mentioned on the blog Voyages et Voyageurs of Ouest France, Elles voyagent et elles bloguent (8 March 2013)
– Mention of the website on Taxi-Brousse, 35 blogueuses que j’aime suivre au bout du monde (8 March 2013)
– Comment je finance ma vie de voyages, published by Les Echos Start (27 October 2015)
– TV appearance on M6 at 19H45 about solo women round-the-world trip (11 August 2015)
– Publishing of expert advice in the book Le voyage pour les filles qui ont peur de tout by Marie-Julie Gagnon and Arianne Arpin-Delorme, chez Michel Lafon.
– Publication of my tips for Austrian Tirol in National Geographic Traveler France
Nominations and prices
Voyages et Vagabondages is the winner for France at the Big Blog Exchange 2014.
Voyages et Vagabondages is one of the 10 French finalists of Travel Bloscars Awards 2014.
Voyages et Vagabondages receives the 2nd Price We Are Travel for the Best French Travel Blog in 2016.
Voyages et Vagabondages receives the Honorary Award We Are Travel 2018.
Lead speaker, conference about Pinterest for bloggers and tourism professionals at the French Travel Blogging Conference We Are Travel in Millau (April 2018).
Lead speaker, conference about Pinterest for beginners and advanced at the French Travel Blogging Conference We Are Travel in Saint-Malo (April 2017).
Lead speaker, conference about Pinterest for beginners at the French Travel Blogging Conference We Are Travel in Bruxelles (April 2016).
Part of a panel about Influencer Marketing alongside Skyscanner during World Travel Market in London (November 2016).
Campaigns, partnerships and blog trips
Lucie Aidart takes part in blog trips that fit with her readership and with the editorial focus of the website Voyages et Vagabondages. A campaign is an excellent mean to promote your destination with Voyages et Vagabondages’s readers. Several tourism boards and companies have already taken advantage of this opportunity.
Most recent campaigns
– Promotion campaign for the city of Tokyo and Fukuoka’s prefecture withTokyo Metropolitan Government – July 2018
– Promotion campaign about Berry, a region in France withBerry Province – June 2018
– Promotion campaign of several regions in Quebec and of New-Brunswick Province with various partners – May-June 2018
– Promotion campaign about the city of Wakayama in Japan with Tashizan – July 2017
– Promotion campaign of Northern Ireland with Ireland Tourism Board – May 2017
– Promotion campaign about Wakayama City in Japan with Tashizan – December 2016
– Promotion campaign for Indonesia #skyscannerindonesia with Skyscanner and the Ministry for Tourism of Indonesia – September 2016
– Le Plus Bel Endroit d’Autriche with Visit Austria and Vorarlberg – August 2016
– Promotion of HI France youth hostels with Hostelling International – April 2016
– Discovering Oostende with Visit Oostende – April 2016
– Promotion of a unique village and estancia in Argentine Patagonia, Bahia Bustamante – November 2016
– Promotion campaign for Tune Hotels in London – June 2015
– A weekend in Toulouse with the Collectif So Voyageurs and Toulouse Tourist Office – June 2015
– Blogville in Emilia-Romagna with Emilia-Romagna Turismo – June 2013
– #inAustria, an iambassador project in partnership with Austrian National Tourist Office, Tirol Tourist Board et Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH – May 2015
– Enjoy Bucharest in Romania – April 2015
– Dubaï arty in UAE with Visit Dubaï – March 2015
– Nordic Bloggers’ Experience in Finland with Visit Finland et Matka – January 2015
– Big Blog Exchange 2014 in the USA with Hostelling International – October and November 2014
– Aventure Kiwi with New-Zealand in April, May and June 2014
– Go East with different partners in the Eastern USA – September and October 2013
– Icelandic adventure with Visit Iceland – September 2013
– Blogville in Emilia-Romagna with Emilia-Romagna Turismo – June 2013
– History, arts and culture with Toerisme Utrecht – May 2013
– Flanders is a festival with Visit Flanders – August 2012
In addition to these campaigns, Lucie Aidart reviews activities, transportation means, accomodation and restaurants throughout the world.
They have trusted and worked with Voyages et Vagabondages
Working with Lucie was great! She took part in a press trip in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She is a deicated and professional blogger. (Susanne Canicius, International Press Coordinator Tourism Utrecht).
How can we work together?
You wish to promote your company or destination to the community of independent, adventurous, cultured and passionate travellers and readers of Voyages et Vagabondages? There is a number of opportunities to work with Voyages et Vagabondages : content creation, campaigns to promote your destination, brand ambassadorship, , blog trips, partnerships product tests and reviews, contests…
Do not hesitate to contact us for more details about a potential collaboration (info @ voyagesetvagabondages.com)
Lucie Aidart

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