Big Blog X: Mistakes are Lessons.


Mistakes are not necessarily a bad thing; look at them as lessons. Today was rough, but that’s life. The day was full of lessons learned, and adventures, that’s for sure.

I usually plan things in advance, but sometimes you can’t in life. This trip has definitely been a curveball at the way I normally do things.

Growing up in Iowa, I’ve never had to use the trains, metros, or buses. And when I did, it was easy because it was all in English. Now that I’m in France, I’ve been relying on buses, metros, and trains to get here and there. This is very new to me and I’m finally getting the hang of it. But, you don’t become an expert in six days.

It also doesn’t help that the wheels on my luggage are broke. It’s an extra pull and 50 lbs of weight to lug around. I left the hostel this morning around 9am, three hours before my plane took off, and I thought I was making great time.

First, I walked to the bus stop and got on. It went smoothly. I got off and walked down to the metro. It went smoothly. I got off the metro, got off at the train station, and went to the bus stop.

I was looking for the bus that said « Aeroport Marseille Provence », well three of them said it. I got on one, asked the driver if I was on the right bus, he said « yes. » I punched my 6€ ticket and took a seat. The lady next to me must have saw my directions written out and informed me that I was not on the right bus. I got off, and then went inside to ask someone which one I needed to be one. Finally I got on the right bus, bought another 6€ and took a seat. The bus driver didn’t leave for another 25 minutes. At this point, I had 40 minutes until check in closed.

I got there ten minutes before check in. Ugh oh. Apparently I had no idea that they call terminals « HALL » at the airports. I was talking to a man who directed me in the right direction. I threw my 50 lb luggage on my back and jogged about a half mile to the correct hall.

I typed in my flight number and the words « FLIGHT CHECK IN CLOSED » flashed on my screen. Ugh…I went up to the desk and told the guy my situation. He hurried up and checked me in. He then told me not to worry and that my flight had been delayed an hour. I had delayed flights, but in this case, it was a gift.

After getting off the plane and grabbing my luggage, I left the Rennes Airport. Apparently google maps arent clear on the metro and bus systems, so I had to wing it. I thought I would just get on the metro from the airport, but nope. There wasn’t metro at the airport.

My broken luggage and I walked to the bus stop about a half a mile down the road. I tried to read the signs looking for Metros. I finally found one in the center. I had to hop on the bus first. I took the bus twenty minutes to Republique, hopped on the metro, got off on my stop and then entered the city.

Finding street signs is really hard here. So I sketched out the streets on my piece of paper off of google. I just kept asking people if I was going the right way and they were all very friendly and helpful.

I finally arrived at the hostel at 5pm. I’m physically and mentally exhausted. I’m pretty sure my muscles are getting huge. Tonight, I am going to relax, get some sleep and explore Rennes in the morning.

I’ve learned that not everything in life runs smoothly, take deep breaths when you can’t do anything about the situation, and be blessed that you’re where you’re at. This trip has definitely been a culture shock, but it’s helping me learn more and more. Next time I’m in Europe, I’ll be more prepared and know what to expect.

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