I made it to France, but something else didn’t…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATraveling may seem luxurious, but no one said it was easy! In fact, traveling can be quite stressful, and that is why a lot of people avoid it all together. I love traveling, the stress of it gives me adrenaline, and I love overcoming fears.  The experience during your trips will make up for all of the little bumps during the travel process.

I’m sure you’re used to Lucie going here and there, but this is super new to me. Lucie is my role model because she seems to be so fearless in all of her travels. I strive to be like her. She represents us women well, she’s confident, independent, and spontaneous. Not many people have the audacity to put everything aside to travel the world.

This trip is all about overcoming fears for me. Tomorrow is going to be a big tester, as I will be doing things I would have never imagined.  PicMonkey CollageMy traveling day started great. I got to the airport early, grabbed breakfast, and sat down to start a blog post. I had no issues at check in and no troubles finding my gate. It started to go downhill when the weather was nasty in Washington D.C. By law, the aircraft has to have extra gas during storms. We had to wait 45 minutes longer for the gas tanks to arrive. I don’t mind waiting, but on the other hand, I don’t like to be late.

That wait set our flight back big time. I had to run off the plane in Washington D.C., search for my gate, make a quick potty break, and jump on the plane all in fifteen minutes. That is a lot of work in a large airport. I was relieved when I got onto my second plane. Missing my plane to Paris would have devastated me. Things started to go better once I sat down. I landed the window seat, and no one had the seat next to me. I’ve been stuck by so many different kinds of people on airplanes, and for some reason it felt good to have it all to myself. Having an eight hour flight with my feet spread out, no one to fight the armrest with, and no one awkwardly falling asleep on your shoulder was wondrous!

I bought several French books and podcasts to listen to on the way to France. Before the plane took off, I situated myself and pulled out everything I’d need before stowing away my bags. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe finally took off for Paris around six pm. This time the plane was larger; they had blankets, pillows, and a T.V. It was a long flight, but having all of those things made it much more enjoyable. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI also took my egg sandwich, some nuts, and fruit from washing to eat on the plane. I was starving and didn’t know what to expect for airplane food. It’s either a hit or miss. Talking to strangers is just one more reason why I love airports. I think the lady who made my breakfast sandwich and I became friends. She was talking to me about how she wanted to be a blogger and I was giving her advice. She was a pretty extraordinary lady. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs the sun started to go down in Washington, the plane was ready for take off. Taking off at the airport is fun. I’m like a little kid when the airplane starts to go fast. I get that drop feeling in my stomach, I get excited, and I’m anxious for the plane to be n the air.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI had plenty of things to keep me entertained during this flight. United had OnDemand movies with a lot of the new releases I’ve been wanting to see. I also brought my Dre’s because they drown out the sound.

First movie I chose? Perks of Being a Wallflower.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhile the plane was in the air and my movie was playing, I decided to continue to study French. This is something I want to work on. I get very self-conscious with my French. I’ve been studying, I know words, but I shy away from using them in here. Tomorrow, I am going to put an end to my shyness.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADinner came around 8pm (NC time) while I was watching HEAVEN IS FOR REAL. I don’t cry much, but this movie had a gulp in my throat the entire time. I get that gulp when I’m trying to hold back tears.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADinner was a salad with vinaigrette, bread and butter, chicken, pasta, and vegetables. The meal was aright, but I wasn’t hungry from the meal I had prior. The guy across from me actually asked if he could have the rest and so I handed it over! But the brownie was awesome. It tasted a lot like those little Debbie brownies!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI tried to sleep. I moved positions at least twelve different times. It was hot and then it was cold. I’d finally get comfortable and then the person in front of me would fold out their chairs. I just came to the understanding that I wasn’t going to get sleep. I couldn’t imagine iF someone had actually been next to me during this.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

While staying awake, I played trivia games and black jack on the screen. An hour before we landed, the flight attendants came around with our breakfast. I was so happy to have coffee at this point.

After we landed in France, I rushed to the baggage claim to pick up my bags. I started to get nervous because everyone had their bag and only a few were going a round and around. Eventually I got the point and went over to ask the desk what had happened. My nightmare came true; they lost my bag! I am sitting at the hostel without it still. I’m praying it comes tonight because I need to put some of these new clothes to use!


I was happy to finally have made it to the Hostel in Paris. After arriving we did doe exploring, but I’ll save that post for the morning. It’s seven pm here and I am ready to hit the bed and go to sleep. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Tomorrow morning, I will be posting where I had lunch, my hostel, and more!

Thanks for following my Journey to France!

Don’t forget to follow Lucie’s journey!

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